The translation of OrbisGIS is managed thanks to the Transifex platform, a free-to-use website enabling users to collaboratively translate open-source projects. To do so, you just have to create a free account. Then, you can access to the Transifex OrbisGIS project HERE.

A langage is manage by a team, which is composed of 3 rules:
- coordinator: manage the team (add/remove members),
- revisor: can translate and validate the result,
- translator: can translate.
Remark: note that one user can have the 3 rules in the same time.
New users are invited to:
- create a new team if their langage is not already present,
- or to join an existing team.
Getting started (for translators)¶
Once you are team member, you should be allowed to translate the application. Here you are asked to translate words (also nammed keys) presents in .xml files called ressources.
Most of the translation keys are single words or sentences. In this case, the translation process is self-explanatory. However, you can discover some specific characters such as {} or &. In this case, please follow the instructions below.
1- Curly braces¶
In some cases, you will notice a number enclosed by curly braces. These strings refer to special parameters in the code and must be preserved. For example, the French translation of {0}_selection_{1} is {0}_sélection_{1}. Here {0} refers to the layer name and {1} refers to a text value.
Another example:
Cannot add a LayerCollection {0}.
becomes in French
Impossible d'ajouter la collection de couche {0}.
2- & symbol¶
The & symbol is used to create keyboard shortcuts. So they have to be preserved (if possible).
becomes in French
In this example, the shortcut will be placed on the “C”.
Contributions are welcome! You can help out by translating, proofreading existing translations, or creating your own translation team (for a new language).
If your translation looks good, your work will be integrated into OrbisGIS.
Already done:
- English,
- French.
Languages in progress:
- Italian: Thanks to Simone Sandri (aka xseris), Team manager
- Portuguese (Brazil): Thanks to Enrico Nicoletto, Team manager,
- Arabic: Thanks to Ilyes Smadi (aka Smadi), Team manager,
- Chinese: Thanks to Quing-Xia Zhou, Team manager, Yinghao Li and Su Qi
- Spanish: Thanks to Emilio Plaza García (aka Dharth),
- Persian: Thanks to Mohammad Hosseini (aka PersianPolaris), Team manager and Mehrazin Omrani (aka Azin),
- Russian: Thanks to Assem, Team manager,
- Greek: Thanks to Ioannis Tsimpiris (aka gtsimp), Team manager,
- Breton
Transifex configuration (for developers)¶
The python file in tools will call mvn gettext:gettext in order to update all .pot files in the project tree.
To send to transifex new translation keys:
cd tools/
tx push -s
To retrieve updated translations from transifex.
tx pull -a --minimum-perc=1
This will update all .po files. A commit then a pull request has to be done in order to be published into the final binary.